Israel versus Iran: A Couchiching Interview with General Charles Bouchard

General Charles Bouchard and the Israeli journalist Avika Eldar were speakers at the Couchiching Conference on the Arab Spring from August 9 to August 12. On the last day, Eldar interviewed the general. Here are excerpts from his report.

The commander of the NATO mission in Libya that toppled Muammar Gadhafi’s regime last year vehemently opposes a military strike on Iran at this time, regardless of whether it would be carried out by Israel or the United States.

Charles Bouchard, who retired from the Royal Canadian Air Force four months
ago, told Haaretz in an exclusive interview Sunday that he doesn’t believe
Israel would take such an illogical and irresponsible step as to attack Iran
without international support.

And NATO won’t unanimously support a military campaign against Iran any time soon, he said. Nor will the UN Security Council.

As someone familiar with Israel’s senior military leadership, because of his
work at NATO, Bouchard said he is convinced that Israel will not set in
motion a process that could lead to chaos in the entire region, by launching
a military attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The violence in Syria is completely different from that in Libya when Bouchard headed Operation Odyssey Dawn, he said, adding that it more closely resembles the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, in that it requires long-term international intervention.

One response to “Israel versus Iran: A Couchiching Interview with General Charles Bouchard

  1. My own feeling is that I hope Israel will NOT launch a unilateral strike on Iran. I say this because I wish Israel well. Syria maybe, but not Iran.