August 31, 2017

Photos taken by Peter Rehak at a gathering on Thursday to celebrate Eric’s 98th birthday.

8 responses to “August 31, 2017

  1. Thank you Peter and Tony.
    And thank you Eric for hosting another convivial party on a
    very special occasion!
    – David


    Happy Birthday Eric!

    Greetings and a big Virtual Hug from your Munk Centre “Nudge Buddy” and wife Mary.

    Glad you are still here and enjoying partying with some of your admiring friends.

    I suspect you remained fully awake for the entire event.

    Mary and I want you to know that we were clearly disappointed when you finally quit putting forth your daily observations/ideas some time ago.

    Know that our life has been in chaos and our responding with well-deserved respect and appreciation got lost in the maelstrom.

    So, my friend – Thanks for sticking around so we could tell you how much we admire you and how you conduct your “senior” years.

    You didn’t, as far as I know, play golf or bridge or play with grandchildren or sit around discussing your ailments with the old folks or going to McDonalds every morning to “solve the world’s problems” with the “old farts.”

    Your “way” serves as a rich, healthy template for us to emulate.

    Mary and James B. Kelly

  3. Dear Eric, Delighted to see pictures of this celebration. Very best wishes, and many happy returns!
    Avivah Wargon

  4. Elisabeth Ecker

    I finished reading “The Piccolomini Collection” and loved it. It would make a very funny movie. I can see Lily Tomlin having a part and having a wonderful time with it. It would be the perfect movie for out time.
    Thank you for the lovely party. Elisabeth

  5. Gottfried Paasche

    Lots of good wishes. Lovely photos of a well deserved celebration. Gottfried Paasche